

The locally-based Brecon Jazz team of Lastmark Music’s Geoff, EPM Marketing’s Paul and Brecon Jazz Club’s Roger and Lynne, have been burning the midnight oil for weeks now in order to develop the Streetscene – Vintage Fayre element of this years ‘Jazz’ along with the now confirmed and nearly sold-out, International jazz line-up.

Their plans are now nearly fully developed, made possible by the obtaining of a Road Closure Order which has, along with the help of local businesses and traders, allowed us to coordinate a new and vibrant Streetscene.

This Streetscene, with the Bulwark Stage outside The Wellington Hotel, a youngster’s funfair, a classic car show (weather permitting) and a pop-up market extending through the town definitely has shades of past Brecon Jazz Festivals but with a few new and vibrant ideas to create the Vintage Fayre effect…. The team fortunately had, and are still having, the help of local businesses and traders with new ones still coming on board to help make this Festival:

In Brecon, by Brecon and for Brecon.

Geoff says, “the dream of the team from the start of planning in February of this year was to bring back the carnival atmosphere of past festivals, but as a contemporary, family-friendly and locally organised and financed event”.

Lynne, Roger and Paul have commented that, “we already have people coming from all over the country, and Europe, to enjoy the Jazz events. But we now want the locals from near and far to bring their families and children. This is going to be a festival for all tastes and ages”.

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