

Dancing in the streets!

Great write up on a great weekend!! HERE
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That was Friday

What a great day yesterday was and thats just the beginning!! Brecon Jazz festival is truly on its way back to #BreconmJazzLegend status!!  ‘A legend in its own 5/4 time!’ Some pictures from yesterday (un edited as yet I’m afraid) [ngg_images
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“The 34th Brecon Jazz weekend is here” – time to celebrate!

Not many festivals can boast reaching their 34th year, but Brecon Jazz can! It’s been an incredible ride from the Jazz festival’s first couple of years in the early 1980’s. There have been a few interesting times along the way, but the 34th year is ready to be a big weekend. The
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Vintage weekend in store for Jazz Festival

Good write up in the Brecon and Radnor today – the excitement is building!!
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Do B&R readers know anyone from these places? Blackburn – Abingdon – Newton Abbott – Sheffield – Exeter – Worcester – Brentford – Hove – Middlesborough – Evesham – Reading – Harpenden – Slough – Wolverhampton – Bridgnorth –
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The locally-based Brecon Jazz team of Lastmark Music’s Geoff, EPM Marketing’s Paul and Brecon Jazz Club’s Roger and Lynne, have been burning the midnight oil for weeks now in order to develop the Streetscene – Vintage Fayre element of this years ‘Jazz’ along with the now
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Help needed for Festival

Friday 11th to Sunday 13th August 2017 The team of Brecon Jazz Club, Lastmark Music Ltd and EPM Marketing are now finalizing planning for this the 34th ‘Brecon Jazz Festival’  weekend. SO WHAT’S HAPPENING? This year, we have a fabulous line-up of Jazz performances
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Festival update

Organisation of this year’s  Brecon Jazz Festival 2017  is proceeding well and we now have a Street Closure Order in place to help make this year livelier and better. This closure order runs from midday Friday 11th to 6pm on Sunday 13th. As part of creating the Festival
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Launch event this Friday

Hello everyone…hope you are enjoying the bank holiday! Only a few days to go till…well lots going on, but make a date with JAZZ this weekend. We are putting on three amazing musical lineups in Brecon to celebrate 34 years of the annual Jazz Festival – and to
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Back in August 2017 – Press release

Brecon Jazz Festival 2017 A recent meeting convened by Brecon Town Council at The Guildhall gave the go-ahead to a group of local promoters and jazz supporters to take a lead in organising Brecon Jazz Festival 2017. Lastmark Music Ltd, with Brecon Jazz Club; Porthcawl Jazz
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